In order to get paid promptly for your sales, we use Western Union Payee Manager. Western Union is one of the most respected and reliable payment sources that exist, which is great for you, because everyone wants to get the money for their hard-earned sales as quickly as possible, and with as little hassle as possible.
In order to use Western Union, all that is necessary is to create an account. That is very easy to do with the mobile app because we have included a section on the main menu to access Western Union.
Simply tap Western Union Portal on the app’s main menu page to access the Western Union account creation screen.
After taping on Western Union, you should see the below information which will explain Western Union and provide you with a button to create your account.
Please thoroughly read the information on the screen so that you understand all that you need to know about Western Union, how to create an account, and how to track payments.
After you have read the information, then simply click the large blue Create account button and follow the steps to create your account.