Setting up the profile of your new eStore is simple. Follow the below steps and you will be ready to process orders.
- IMAGE 1: This image is displayed on the top left section of your home page. It can be any picture you select to display (personal image, logo or other). Just click the photo image, find your saved file, and double click to load.
- IMAGE 2: This image displays on the top right section of your home page. It is optional so not required if you do not want to add a second image. Examples of the typical image in this space could be a charity you support or a picture of your business. To load an image, click the photo image, find your saved file and double click the image to load.
- Profile Header: Type in the name of our company or any text you would like to display in the top center of your website. You can change this at any time after saving.
- About Us. This section has a tab “Edit About US” allowing you to input text, images, videos, or any combination of the three. Content loaded here will display in the About section of your home page.
- Social Media: This section allows you to set up your personal or company social media counts. The icons you complete will display on the footer of your home page.
- MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR CHANGES by clicking SAVE at the bottom of the page.